Boost is currently available in the United States and United Kingdom. Please note eligibility varies and is not guaranteed.
First Name*
Last Name*
Company Name*
Job Title*
Company size*
Are you currently a Z workstations customer?*
If not, which compute resources do you have?*
HP respects your privacy: Visit HP's Privacy Statement to learn how HP collects and uses your personal data.
Z by HP Boost requires client device with Windows 10 or Windows 11 OS and Vulkan Runtime for devices without a GPU, or WSL2 with Ubuntu 22.04 or Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or greater. Host device for sharing GPU(s) must be a Z by HP workstation with NVIDIA professional grade workstation GPU(s) of Pascal architecture or later with an installed driver version 535 or greater, and a CUDA driver version 11.2 through to 12.3, Windows 10 or Windows 11 OS (WSL is not supported), or Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or greater or Debian 11 or greater with libatomic1, libnumal1, libvulkan1, libgl1, libglib2.0-0 packages installed. Network connection required. Join waitlist to be considered for selection for early access.