Welcome to the V12 learning hub - Webinar | January 22  | 11:30 AM or 12:00 PM EST Welcome to the V12 learning hub - Webinar | January 22  | 11:30 AM or 12:00 PM EST Welcome to the V12 learning hub - Webinar | January 22  | 11:30 AM or 12:00 PM EST

Welcome to the future of industrial print technologies!

  • Hear from HP Indigo GM, Noam Zilbershtain, about his vision for the future of the industry.
  • Join a live tour of the R&D lab and hear from Golan Landsberg, Head of R&D, about the hidden treasures of the HP Indigo V12 Digital Press and LEPx technology.

This is your chance to engage directly with the team behind the breakthrough LEPx technology.

Keren Yakolev
Head Of Product, Strategy & Business Development,
HP Indigo
Welcome to the V12 Hub!
Noam Zilbershtain
GM, HP Indigo & Scitex
Where the magic take place - a virtual tour at the V12 R&D lab
Elad Zmora
Label product manager,
HP Indigo

Roi Liraz
V12 Program manager,
HP Indigo
From analog first to Indigo first mindset
Eli Mahal
Head of L&P Product,
HP Indigo
Inside LEPx technology - a peek under the hood
Golan Landsberg
Head of R&D,
HP Indigo


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