



Start working on your data science projects immediately using preloaded software stacks on Z by HP Workstations.

Let’s be honest—the out-of-the-box PC experience for data scientists is different than it is for mere-mortal users. Your university’s number-crunching crowd doesn’t simply open the box, plug in the power, and put their genius to work. Before they get underway on their research, they might spend days chasing down and configuring a multitude of open-source applications.

Even after the data science environment is set up, maintaining tools becomes a moving set of gears, with different release schedules and conflicting code components, any of which can throw a wrench into the workflow.

But Z by HP desktop and mobile laptop workstations make it easy. Preloaded and pretuned with the most popular tools critical for the data science workflow, Z devices can have your researchers exploring multibillion-record datasets in minutes.

Isn’t it time your students and instructors have PCs that are more powerful than the tasks—and the hackers— they’re facing?

Preloaded software stacks the deck for data sciencE.

Jump into your data—now.
How many unproductive hours do your data scientists spend chasing down and installing the most popular data science tools? Keras, Python, TensorFlow, and Anaconda are all preloaded on Z data science stack devices, so teams can get to work as soon as they power-on their new PCs.

Do away with downtime.
No IT tickets. No calls to the help desk for data scientists’ software configuration. Plus, updates won’t break the code in the open-source software used in your data science applications—code protection is built into Z devices.

Work on anything from anywhere.
Run graphics- and data-intensive workloads from anywhere. The engineering Emmy® Award-winning1HP ZCentral Remote Boost2 platform connects data scientists to their powerful in-office workstations from any endpoint device, with real-time speed and image quality for each user.

Stop cyberattackers in their tracks.
Research gives your school its competitive edge. Protect it with built-in layers of hardware-enforced security below, in, and above the OS. HP ZCentral Remote Boost transfers only pixels during remote sessions, so your data remains protected, from endpoint to workstation.

Data scientists accomplish more when
they can work whenever, wherever.

Power through graphics-intensive
datasets, right out of the box.

Z by HP Workstations come prepped and ready to
work with a preloaded data science software stack
that enables IT professionals, academics, and students
to start exploring massive datasets immediately.


of end users3 say
the technology they
are given impacts
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of end users3 say
their employer’s
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impacts their willingness
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4 ways HP Z devices get data science done

Start exploring multibillion record
datasets on day one.

Ready to use on any data science project, the preloaded software stack in Z Workstations allows data scientists to plug in and get working faster. They immediately can analyze data and build models more efficiently, without having to install, integrate, or configure the university’s data science environment manually.

Protect your intellectual property
from cyberthreats.

Protect your data with hardware-enforced security below, in, and above the operating system. Advanced neural-networking technology predicts, and prevents attacks. Browser tabs, email messages, documents, and USB drives are automatically scanned for malware that is isolated, then destroyed in micro-virtualized containers.

Have a meeting of the minds, from anywhere.

Breakthroughs thrive on collaboration. No matter where students, researchers, or faculty work from, Z laptops and desktops powered by HP ZCentral Remote Boost deliver real-time responsiveness and image quality for every user during remote sessions, even when rendering complex data visualizations.

Stop choking on GPU-intensive workloads.

Z by HP systems are equipped and performance-tested to handle any data science project. Say goodbye to performance bottlenecks that slow down renders.
Our hardware is equipped with high-end dual NVIDIA® Ampere-series graphics cards that interact with up to 5 billion dataset rows in milliseconds per click.

get started

It’s time to equip your
learners with a smarter
data science solution.

Get your university data science projects up and
running faster with preloaded software stacks on the
high-performance Z Workstations. Not only does the
standardized, preconfigured tool set save time for
your researchers and IT teams, but the power of Z also
can transform their work on large datasets. Give your
researchers an evolved environment that advances
AI and 3D, renders in real time, and takes remote
collaboration to a new level.

Stack the deck in favor of your
data science students and instructors.


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Learn more


HP ZCentral Remote Boost Sender does not come preinstalled on Z Workstations but can be downloaded and run on all Z desktop and laptops without license purchase. With non-Z sender devices, purchase of perpetual individual license or perpetual floating license per simultaneously executing versions and purchase of ZCentral Remote Boost Software Support is required. ZCentral Remote Boost Sender for non-Z Hardware requires a license and Windows 10, RHEL/CentOS (7 or 8), or UBUNTU 18.04 or 20.04 LTS operating systems. macOS (10.14 or newer) operating system and ThinPro 7.2 are only supported on the receiver side. Requires network access. The software is available for download at


"The Importance of the PC in a Data-Centric World,” IDC, April 14, 2021"


Z by HP Data Science Solutions

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