Onsite support with predictive issue
detection, alerts, and preferred access
Enhanced predictive coverage
Avoid productivity disruptions with our fastest response and repair with AI-powered predictive issue detection and alerts, preferred access to expert remote support and parts, plus onsite device repair—wherever work happens.1,7
This service capability brings with it accelerated problem diagnosis and remediation, helping users get up and running quickly. Pop-up alerts on end users’ devices and automated case generation minimize disruptions by opening a repair case as soon as the detected issue is acknowledged by the end user or IT admin. The repairs are scheduled at their convenience.
It is offered on most HP commercial desktops and laptops, Chromebooks, and retail point of sale systems (RPOS).
Service highlights
- Predictive AI-powered insights identify issues before impacting work
- IT ticketing automation streamlines and expedites repairs
- Proactive support via remote and onsite service
- Replacement parts and materials included
- Preferred access to parts and HP service experts8,9
Service benefits
- Mitigate downtime with our fastest response time
- Quickly resolve issues for users
- Keep PCs up and running wherever work happens
- Receive convenient onsite support from qualified experts
- Fast access to parts and experts8,9
Service Features
This service includes AI-powered predictive detection of PC issues and proactive alerts, powered by the HP Workforce Experience platform. IT teams can monitor the health status of devices and receive alerts about devices that need attention, repair, or updates—all from a unified, one-stop dashboard. (Please see further below for details on how IT may request remote or onsite support.) Alternatively, end users can receive the proactive alerts as pop-up notifications on their devices from which they can easily submit a ticket, enabling an automated process for scheduling remote and onsite support—where and when it’s convenient for the end user.
Device issues predicted and resolved with this service include:
Predictive and
proactive alerts
- Hardware inventory (including hardware models, type, serial numbers, and basic warranty information) and device enrollment history
- Critical incidents for hard disk drive issues
- Hardware health: Identifies devices failing to meet individual performance metrics (i.e., battery health, disk health, thermal health, critical BIOS updates required).
- Fan failure detection
- Thermal grading and health
- Battery health, including battery replacement recommendation timeframes
- BIOS update notifications will be provided on the dashboard to identify which devices can be proactively updated.
- Firmware updates
- Hard disk drive health
Automated ticketing
- Hard disk drive replacement
- Battery replacement
Remote diagnosis
and support
24 x 7 support2
Onsite hardware
HP-authorized representative will be dispatched to the end user’s location for support.
While end users can request support via the pop-up alerts on their devices and use automated IT ticketing, IT administrators can request support online for the devices they manage. To contact HP, the best method is setting up an account and then creating a case digitally at https://support.hp.com/. After receiving and acknowledging your case, HP will begin to isolate, troubleshoot, and resolve the hardware incident. Prior to onsite assistance, HP will perform remote diagnostics using electronic remote support to access covered products or use other means available to facilitate remote resolution.
Incidents with covered hardware can be reported to HP specialized agents via the website (visit https://support.hp.com/. choose the “Business Support” tab and select “Create a new case”). Customers may subsequently manage their cases from there. During customer service windows, customers may then contact HP by phone or chat for any created case. Alternatively, customers may call the HP Customer Support Center, excluding holidays.2 Customers who contact HP directly by phone or chat will reach standard agents, who will start by collecting required administrative elements to identify customers and verify their entitlement to the service. This alternate route may take longer and require more customer effort than starting all the support experiences from the web, which is highly recommended. HP will acknowledge the receipt of the service request by logging the case, assigning a case ID, and communicating that case ID to you. HP retains the right to determine the final resolution of all reported incidents.
The coverage window specifies the time during which the described services are delivered onsite or remotely. Service is available, Monday through Friday.
Customers will receive preferred access to parts and HP service experts through the features outlined below. Preferred access is available when HP delivers the service in all geographies where MyHPSupport is available. It is not guaranteed with channel partners who deliver this service. Customers have the option to contact HP directly.
- Office Hours Call Me: Customer may request to be called back by an HP Support Expert with case knowledge during regular business hours in select countries and languages2,8
- Out of Office Hours Chat: HP Support Experts with case knowledge are available in the customer's local language to chat (nights and weekends in native English or real-time translation)8
- Case Queue Prioritization: Service is prioritized in the call center, moving to the front of the queue for customers who purchased this service8,9
- Parts Prioritization: Preferred access to replacement parts for customers who purchased this service9
- Field Service/Dispatch Prioritization: Customer service event dispatch is prioritized for onsite service for customers who purchased this service9
As part of this service, HP provides access to certain commercially available electronic and web-based tools. You have access to:
- Certain capabilities that are made available to registered users, such as subscribing to hardware-related proactive service notifications and participating in support forums for solving problems and sharing best practices with other registered users.
- Expanded web-based searches of entitled technical support documents to facilitate faster problem-solving.
- Certain HP proprietary service diagnostic tools with password access.
- A web-based tool (visit https://support.hp.com/ and choose the “Business Support” tab) for submitting questions directly to HP. This tool helps to resolve problems quickly with a prequalification process that routes the support or service request to the resource qualified to answer the question. It also allows the status of each support or service request submitted to be viewed and further interacted with.
- HP and third-party hosted knowledge databases for certain third-party products, where you can search for and retrieve product information, find answers to support questions, and participate in support forums. This service may be limited by third-party access restrictions.
For hardware incidents that cannot be resolved remotely, an authorized representative will provide onsite technical support on covered hardware to return them to operating condition, including those for available and recommended engineering improvements. HP may elect to replace certain products in lieu of repairing them. Replacement products will be new or functionally equivalent to new in performance. Replaced products become the property of HP.
HP firmware updates are available to customers with an active agreement that entitles them to access these updates. As part of this service, you have the right to download, install, and use firmware updates for covered products, subject to license restrictions in HP’s current standard sales terms. HP may provide, install, or assist with installation of firmware updates in conjunction with onsite hardware support if you have a valid license to use the related software updates.
After arrival, the HP representative will deliver service onsite until the products are repaired. Work may be suspended temporarily if parts or additional resources are required, but it will resume when they become available.
- Fix on failure: At the time of onsite technical support delivery, HP may install available engineering improvements and non-customer-installable firmware updates for covered hardware required to return the covered product to operating condition or to maintain supportability by HP.
- Fix on request: At your request, HP may install critical, non-customer-installable firmware updates that are recommended by the HP product division for immediate installation on covered hardware products.
You must have appropriate licenses for any underlying firmware that will be covered under these services. HP may require a service-level analysis on covered products. If so, an HP-authorized representative will contact you to arrange for the service-level analysis to be performed. During this analysis, HP will gather key system configuration information, which will enable HP resolution engineers to survey and troubleshoot possible future hardware problems and complete repairs as quickly and efficiently as possible. Service-level analysis may be performed via remote system access, remote tools, or over the phone, at the sole discretion of HP.
For incidents with covered hardware that cannot be resolved remotely, HP will use commercially reasonable efforts to respond onsite within the specified onsite response time (i.e., on the third coverage day, on the next coverage day, or within four hours). Onsite response time begins when the initial case has been received and acknowledged by HP, and ends when the HP-authorized representative arrives at your site, or when HP determines that the reported event does not currently require an onsite intervention. Response times are measured during the coverage window only and may carry over to the next day with a coverage window.
Not all service levels are available on all products. The service level will be specified in your documentation. Contact a local HP sales office for detailed information on service availability and coverage.
Onsite response time
After acknowledging your case has been received and onsite support is scheduled, an HP representative will respond onsite to your service request.
Onsite repair time
HP will use commercially reasonable efforts to return the covered hardware to operating condition within a specified time after the initial service request is submitted to the HP Solution Center.
HP has established formal escalation procedures to facilitate the resolution of complex incidents. Local HP management coordinates incident escalation, enlisting the skills of appropriate HP resources and/or selected third parties to assist with problem solving.
Repairs are considered complete upon HP verification that the hardware malfunction has been corrected or that the hardware has been replaced. HP is not liable for any lost data; you are responsible for implementing appropriate backup procedures. Verification by HP may be accomplished by the completion of a power-on self-test, standalone diagnostic, or visual verification of proper operation. At its sole discretion, HP will determine the level of testing necessary to verify that the hardware is repaired. At its sole discretion, HP may permanently replace the product in order to meet the repair time commitment. Work completion may necessitate the device be repaired offsite if it cannot be diagnosed and repaired onsite. HP determines the necessity of offsite repair at its discretion.
This service provides coverage for eligible HP PCs, including HP-supported and supplied internal components such as memory. This includes coverage for attached HP-branded accessories included in the original packaging of the PC, such as a wired mouse, wired keyboard, or AC power adapter, but does not include external HP monitors. All-in-one devices do include the display, which is not considered a separate, external monitor. However, a second monitor attached to an all-in-one device, for example, would not be covered by this HP Care Pack. Docking stations will be covered if your laptop, docking station, and HP Care Pack are purchased at the same time and on the same order or customer invoice.
Consumable items including but not limited to removable media, customer-replaceable batteries, tablet PC pens and other supplies, as well as user maintenance and non-HP devices, are not covered by this service. Batteries for mobile HP commercial PCs are covered up to the warranty term of the HP hardware product or 1,000 charge cycles, whichever comes first.
For replacement parts and components that are discontinued, an upgrade path may be required. HP will work with you to recommend replacements. Not all components will have available replacements in all countries due to local support capabilities.
Customer responsibilities
Customers are responsible for enabling the service on devices as described below.
Gen11 (some Gen10 devices) and future generation devices launched after 2024
HP Services Scan (HPSS) is pre-installed on HP’s standard image starting with 2024 devices. HPSS periodically checks for service entitlement on the device, and if found, will automatically download the HP Insights agent, enabling these devices to function optimally and provide pop-up alerts on end users’ devices. For custom/corporate ready images, devices will get HPSS through the Windows Update process. HP Chromebooks with ChromeOS and HP retail point-of-sale (RPOS) devices require a dashboard to view the proactive alerts and create service tickets. There will not be an option to send alerts to the end user via these devices. To use this dashboard on HP Chromebooks, a one-time integration of the Google Admin Console is needed with the dashboard. For details on this integration, please see this reference guide. To enable the service on RPOS, a separate HP notebook or desktop device must be allocated to host the dashboard to manage alerts and create service tickets. To enable the service on RPOS, see this RPOS reference guide.
Gen10 devices
These devices will get HP Services Scan (HPSS) downloaded through the Windows Update process. HPSS periodically checks for service entitlement on the device, and if found, will automatically download the HP Insights agent, enabling these devices to function optimally and provide pop-up alerts on end users’ devices.
Gen9 devices
These devices will get HP Services Scan (HPSS) downloaded through the Windows Update process. For HPSS to periodically check for entitlements on the device and automatically download software to enable the service, the device needs to have end-user consent. This can be given through the consent screen seen in the out-of-box experience (OOBE) process. Once consent is provided, HPSS will check for service entitlement on the device, and if found, will automatically download the HP Insights agent, enabling these devices to function optimally and provide pop-up alerts on end users’ devices.
HP reserves the right to cancel the service contract if critical audit suggestions are not followed or the audit is not performed within the specified timeframe, unless the delay is caused by HP.
In cases where the customer does not act upon the specified customer responsibilities as stated below, HP or an HP-authorized service provider will not be obligated to deliver the services as described.
The customer or HP-authorized representative must register the hardware to be supported within 10 days of purchase of this service, using the registration instructions within the Care Pack or the email document provided by HP, or as otherwise directed by HP. Follow the steps in the Onboarding Quick Guide to ensure devices are monitoring for potential issues.
The customer's devices must run Windows 10 1703 or higher, Pro, Enterprise, or Education editions only; Windows 10 Home editions are not supported by this service.
Upon request, the customer will be required to support HP’s remote problem resolution efforts. The customer will:
- Provide all information necessary for HP to deliver timely and professional remote support and to enable HP to determine the level of support eligibility.
- Start self-tests and install and run other diagnostic tools and programs. HP may require the customer to include a printout of any previously conducted self-test results together with the defective product.
- Perform other reasonable activities to help HP identify or resolve problems, as requested by HP.
It is the customer’s responsibility to remove all personal and/or confidential data from the defective product before repairs or replacements begin; HP is not responsible for data stored on the returned product.
Workforce Experience platform access and onboarding requirements as follows:
- Use persistence on devices that have this service enabled from the factory.
- Accept terms and conditions to have software client on your devices.
- Automatically or manually enroll devices using the instructions provided by HP.
- Submit a request for the addition or removal of managed devices and users.
- Ensure compliance with software application licensing requirements.
- Troubleshoot common end-user support issues before escalating to HP support.
- Roll back OS updates in case of failure.
- Authorize partners to access or manage the account, if applicable.
Devices managed by HP will have a software client installed to collect information related to the device. Files and content will not be captured. The device serial number detail will be captured to identify the device on HP's internal systems and to assist in remediation of issues. This service does not collect the following types of data:
- Demographic information (with the exception of country or language preferences)
- Financial account information, credit or debit card numbers, credit records, or payment data
- Social media or web browsing information
- Government-issued identifier such as social security, social insurance number, or government ID
- Health information
- Sensitive data such as ethnic origin, political beliefs, trade union membership, health data, sexual orientation, or genetic data. Collected data will be stored in a secure cloud repository.
Collected data will be stored in a secure cloud repository. The customer accepts that HP will collect this information as part of the delivery of this service. If the customer is not willing to provide this information to HP, the service will not be delivered as intended.
- Backup, recovery, and support of the operating system, other software, and data
- Operational testing of applications or additional tests requested or required by you
- Troubleshooting for interconnectivity or compatibility problems
- Support for network-related problems
- Services required due to failure to incorporate any system fix, repair, patch, or modification provided by HP
- Services required due to failure to take avoidance action previously advised by HP
- Services required due to improper treatment or use of the product
- Services required due to unauthorized attempts to install, repair, maintain, or modify hardware, firmware, or software
- Services performed by unauthorized or uncertified service providers
- User preventive maintenance
Maximum supported lifetime/maximum usage
Parts and components that have reached their maximum supported lifetime and/or the maximum usage limit as set forth in the manufacturer’s operating manual, product QuickSpecs, or the technical product datasheet will not be provided, repaired, or replaced as part of this service.
Optional add-on features for extra coverage
Supplement your support with custom options that enable your anywhere workforce
Get devices repaired or replaced when unforeseen damage occurs from events such as drops, spills, and electrical surges that occur through the normal use of the computer with optional Accidental Damage Protection.2,3 Additional details and exclusions pertaining to the Accidental Damage Protection service are described in the Accidental Damage Protection datasheet.
The Battery Replacement service2,3 offers two convenient methods for replacing failing batteries—offsite and onsite replacement. Under each option, one replacement battery will be provided if the originally purchased battery is detected with a failure resulting from defects in materials or workmanship, or has a diminished charging capacity below 50 percent. Additional details and exclusions pertaining to the Battery Replacement service are described in the Battery Replacement datasheet.
Add Defective Media Retention to allow your company to maintain control of defective hard drives, helping reduce the risk that sensitive data will be compromised.2,3,4 This option allows you to retain defective hard disk drives or SSD/flash drive components that you do not want to relinquish due to sensitive data they might contain. All eligible drives on a covered system must participate in the Defective Media Retention Service. Additional details and exclusions pertaining to the Defective Media Retention Service are described in the Defective Media Retention datasheet.
Optimize IT investments and reduce your carbon impact by maximizing the life of existing devices with HP Device Life Extension.6 Securely upgrade performance and address issues with aging PCs that most commonly impede employee and IT productivity. Additional details and exclusions pertaining to the Device Life Extension service are described in the Device Life Extension datasheet.
Provide device support in 90+ countries around the globe when employees are traveling on business.2,3 Additional details and exclusions pertaining to the Travel Support service are described in the Travel Support datasheet.
Reduce frustration for employees and IT with advanced, remote diagnosis and remediation for PC issues that traditionally required the device to be in IT’s hands. Using out-of-band technology, HP uses a separate, independent out-of-band processor that provides deep access to the PC's firmware, even when the operating system is down and the PC can't boot.10 Additional details and exclusions pertaining to this service are described in the Out-of-band diagnosis and remediation datasheet.
For more information
contact any of our worldwide sales offices or resellers
or visit https://hp.com/support-services

1. The updated Hardware Support services portfolio is available on select HP commercial PCs (notebooks, mobile workstations, desktops, RPOS, and workstations). The Hardware Support services are available at the
time of device purchase. Service levels and response times for HP Care Packs may vary depending on your geographic location. Service starts on date of hardware purchase. Restrictions and limitations apply. For
details, visit www.hp.com/go/cpc. Service package features may vary by geography or hardware platform.
2. Service levels and response times may vary depending on your geographic location.
3. Sold separately or as an additional option. Accidental Damage Protection must be purchased at the time of device purchase. Other Care Packs must be purchased within 30 days of the device purchase. HP Services re governed by the applicable HP terms and conditions of service provided or indicated to Customer at the time of purchase. Customer may have additional statutory rights according to applicable local laws, and such rights are not in any way affected by the HP terms and conditions of service or the HP Limited Warranty provided with your HP Product.
4. If Defective Media Retention is purchased, defective drives will be retained by the customer.
5. Service available on commercial desktops, workstations, mobile workstations, and select notebooks.
6. The HP Device Life Extension capability is for HP commercial PCs. HP-certified partners will perform functional diagnostics, data removal, interior and exterior cleaning, enhance device performance, reimaging, and conduct platform updates.
7. HP Premium+ Support (onsite support with predictive issue detection, alerts and preferred access for PCs only) requires an HP Insights agent for Windows, Mac, & Android, available for download at https://workforceexperience.hp.com/software. The agent collects telemetry and analytics around devices and applications that integrate into the Workforce Experience platform and is not sold as a standalone service. Internet access is required. HP follows stringent GDPR privacy regulations, and the platform is ISO27001, ISO27701, ISO27017 and SOC2 Type2 certified for Information Security.
8. Requires creating a case through MyHPSupport.com.
9. Prioritizedd support is providing a queue placement in front of warranty and other transactional service customers if there is a resource or part constraint.
10. Out-of-band diagnostics and remediation is available in North America (which includes the US and Canada), and EMEA markets (limited to specific countries) as an HP Care Pack for select HP commercial platforms that are Intel® vPro® and Intel® AMT enabled and are entitled to HP Essential Support (onsite support and optional device health insights), HP Premium Support (onsite support with predictive issue detection and alerts for PCs only) or HP Premium+ Support (onsite support with predictive issue detection, alerts and preferred access for PCs only). Service levels and response times for HP Care Packs may vary depending on your geographic location. Service starts on date of hardware purchase. Restrictions and limitations apply. For details, visit www.hp.com/go/cpc.
HP Services are governed by the applicable HP terms and conditions of service provided or indicated to Customer at the time of purchase. Customer may have additional statutory rights according to applicable local laws, and such rights are not in any way affected by the HP terms and conditions of service or the HP Limited Warranty provided with your HP Product. Check with your HP authorized sales rep for availability.