
The AM Champion’s Playbook: Building a Business Case for Additive Manufacturing in Tier 1 Automotive

This playbook offers resources for engineers to trigger a conversation about why your company should embrace additive manufacturing.

This whitepaper reviews the rationale for deploying additive manufacturing (AM) in the automotive industry while demonstrating how to identify applications for AM to make a compelling business case. It highlights the challenges for the sector, including supply chain disruptions, environmental concerns, and new technology trends. The whitepaper emphasizes reduced time-to-market and improved cost efficiency. It also showcases real-world examples of how companies like Gonzalez and ADAC have successfully integrated AM into their operations, saving costs and improving production efficiency.

This white paper will cover:

  • Challenges in the automotive industry, including supply chain disruptions and environmental regulations.
  • Benefits of additive manufacturing (AM) in addressing these challenges
  • Real-world examples from companies like Gonzalez and ADAC
  • The importance of identifying the right applications for AM to build a strong business case.
  • The potential manufacturing opportunity found in the complementarities between AM and other emerging technologies like AI and digital design.
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