CGX leverages innovative design, a more simplified supply chain, and fast time to market with HP Multi Jet Fusion technology

Customer at a glance

CGX designs and manufactures innovative wireless physiological monitoring systems, most notably its electroencephalogram (EEG) headsets, devices that provide images of electrical activity in the brain. CGX’s headsets range from low-density 8-channel systems to high-density 128-channel systems, all of which are supported with accessories to help monitor other physiological inputs such as electrocardiograms (ECGs) for the heart.

CGX has two forms of distribution: research (universities, government, and the research arms of companies) and clinical (practitioners and healthcare providers).

The challenge

As part of their portfolio of products for research and clinical use, CGX designs and produces a wireless, dry-electrode electroencephalography headset that clinicians place on a subject’s head to monitor brain activity. In order to optimize this device—which is made of dozens of unique parts requiring precise assembly—CGX sought a more efficient production method as well as materials that are comfortable, biocompatible, robust, and easy to manufacture.

CGX had been using ABS filament 3D printing to produce some headset parts, but experienced QC breakages and disappointment from customers who were displeased with the cosmetics of the final product.

To learn how CGX used HP Multi Jet Fusion technology to produce better-fitting, easier-to-manufacture EEG headsets at faster speeds, complete the form to download the full case study.


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