Dynamic ankle foot orthosis

by OT4

A Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthosis (DAFO) is a lower extremity brace that provides thin, flexible support to the foot, ankle, and lower leg. It fits firmly around the ankle, correcting foot deformities at specific pressure points and improving both ankle mobility and stability. Designed to maintain a functional position, a DAFO enhances stability for successful standing and walking.

Benefits of using HP MJF technology:

  • A lightweight device that significantly improves patient comfort while ensuring proper function and breathability
  • Offers customized solutions for patients' needs.
  • Enhances production efficiency and reduces costs

Customer testimonial

"Thin-wall printing using HP 3D HR PA 11 has produced good results. We can make products thinner, lighter, easier to clean, and softer on the skin. Thanks to HP Multi Jet Fusion, we at OT4 can save an orthotist up to 10 hours of work compared to using common techniques, depending on the part." -
Andreas Flamm, CEO, OT4 GmbH

Powered by:

3D Printer: HP Jet Fusion 4210 3D Printing Solution

Material: HP 3D HR PA 11

Post-processing: Sand-blasting

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